
Thursday, August 27, 2015

A great veggie and fruit treat for summer

With Southwest Desert temperatures hitting high marks on the mercury in these dog days of summer, the very thought of heating up the kitchen to prepare a meal gives me a good excuse to eat yet another bologna fold-over sandwich for supper.

But a nagging voice keeps invading my thoughts, reminding me of the virtues of eating lots of vegetables and fruits.  Recently, my husband Wayne, master griller, offered to cook supper outside. Yes!

To counterbalance whatever carnivore delicacy I knew he would be grilling, I emptied the vegetable bin onto the kitchen counter.  Red onions, zucchini, jalapeño peppers, tomatoes, and red, yellow, and orange bell peppers.  After a little trimming and chopping, these vegetables went into a special grilling pan, an inexpensive purchase we made several years ago.

While digging around in the refrigerator for vegetables, I came across a bag of peaches we had been ignoring because of their bland taste.  I was about to throw the peaches in the trash when some vague memory of hearing about the joys of grilling fruit came to me.  I peeled and cut up the peaches and added them on top of the vegetable mix.

Here is Wayne liberally seasoning the mixture with olive oil spray and Jerry Baird's All-Purpose Seasoning.

The vegetable/fruit dish was ready for the grill!

Wayne cooked the mixture over a mesquite wood fire, spraying it several more times with olive oil. When the vegetable were crusty, he declared the dish done.  It looks like he sneaked a piece of his favorite sausage in on the side.

We had grilled vegetables many times in the past, eating them virtuously because they were a healthy choice. But the peaches were the unexpected added touch to give this dish a truly gourmet quality.

There were no leftovers.

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